home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; Installer Script for SimpleFTP
- ; $VER: SimpleFTP-Install v1.2 (24.4.00)
- (user 2)
- (set #theirlevel @user-level)
- (set #wbversion 0)
- (set #wbversion (getversion "workbench.library" (resident)))
- (set #wbversion (/ #iconversion 65536) )
- (if (< #wbversion 44)
- (
- ;execute Install3.5
- )
- (
- (set #install-docs
- (cat "Install documentation?\n"
- ))
- (set #select-lang
- (cat "Select language:"
- ))
- (set #not-installed
- (cat "\nSimpleFTP has NOT been installed.\n"
- ))
- (set #goodbye
- (cat "\nInstallation of SimpleFTP is complete.\n\n"
- "If you have used a version previous to v1.83,\n"
- "but after v1.80, it is important that you run\n"
- "the SiteConverter tool to update your saved\n"
- "list of favourite FTP sites.\n"
- "(Copy it to your SimpleFTP directory first)"
- ))
- (set #select-dir
- (cat "Please select somewhere to install SimpleFTP\n"
- "(A directory is NOT created for you)"
- ))
- (set #my-address
- (cat "\nContact Information\n\n"
- "Author: Rick Hodger\n"
- "e-Mail: rick@thehub.u-net.com\n"
- "Bugs: bugs@thehub.u-net.com\n"
- "Web: http://www.thehub.u-net.com\n"
- ))
- (set #copyright
- (cat "\nSimpleFTP is (C) Copyright 1998-1999 Rick Hodger\n"
- "Written by Rick Hodger\n\n"
- "The author in no way offers any guarantees or warranties "
- "with this program. By continuing this installation, "
- "you agree that the author is in no way responsable "
- "for any damage caused.\n\n"
- "Do you agree to these terms?"
- ))
- ;**************************************************************************************************
- (complete 5)
- (set agree (askbool (prompt #copyright)
- (help #install-docs-help)
- (choices "Yes" "No")
- )
- )
- (if (= agree 0) (
- (message #not-installed)
- (exit (quiet))
- ))
- ;******************************************** Locale Stuff *****************************************
- (complete 10)
- (set catalog
- (askchoice
- (choices "English (Built-in)" "Czech" "Deutsch" "Español" "Français" "Greek" "Italiano" "Norsk" "Português" "Svenska")
- (prompt #select-lang)
- (help "None here")
- )
- )
- (set loc-target "LOCALE:Catalogs/")
- (set loc-source "locale/")
- (if (= catalog 1) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Czech"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Czech"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 2) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Deutsch"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Deutsch"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 3) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Español"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Español"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 4) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Français"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Français"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 5) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Greek"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Greek"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 6) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Italiano"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Italiano"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 7) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Norsk"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Norsk"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 8) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Português"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Português"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= catalog 9) (
- (set loc-target (tackon loc-target "Svenska"))
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "Svenska"))
- (set loc-use 1)
- ))
- (if (= loc-use 1) (
- (set loc-source (tackon loc-source "SimpleFTP.catalog"))
- ; (if (< (exists (loc-target)) 2) makedir loc-target) )
- (copyfiles (
- (source loc-source)
- (dest loc-target)
- ))
- ))
- ;*************************************** Select destination ****************************************
- (complete 20)
- (set target1 (askdir
- (help "No help here matey!")
- (prompt #select-dir)
- (default "Miami:")
- ))
- (set target2 target1)
- (complete 40)
- (copyfiles (
- (prompt "Select files you want installed")
- (help "Umm....duh?")
- (source "")
- (dest target1)
- (choices "SimpleFTP" "SimpleFTP.info" "SimpleFTP.cfg" "SimpleFTP.sites" "Icons")
- ))
- (complete 80)
- (copyfiles (
- (prompt "Select files you want installed")
- (help "Umm...duh?")
- (source "")
- (dest target1)
- (choices "Docs" "Docs.info")
- ))
- (complete 100)
- (message #goodbye)
- (message #my-address)
- )
- )
- (exit (quiet))